Thursday, July 4, 2013

Cubs Beat Old Fat Guy 3-1

The Cubs beat the A's fattest pitcher Bartolo Colon', who has gained weight during his 16 year career for teams such as the Expos, Cleveland, Yankees, and The White sox.  Colon, no doubt, has sampled the Cuisine from these great cities, and now weighs in at 265 lbs, while standing only 5'11".  That my friends is FAT!  Here's Colon in 2011 with the Yanks.

Pretty impressive that Colon at his current generous poundage is 11-3 with a 2.78 ERA.  I'm 5'10" 200lbs, and can barely walk up the stairs!  Maybe we could get Edwin Jackson to gain 100 lbs, and he can be as dominant as Colon.  Hey, I'll try anything to get his contract to be worth it!

Though not as fat, the girthy Dioner Navarro does not seem to be hampered by his largess.  As a back up catcher with only 104 at bats, he's hit 8 Homeruns, has 18 RBI's and is batting .288. I've made fun of Navarro chugging around the bases many times this year, but at least he's ON the bases, which is more than I can say for some of the other Cubs players.  

Don't make the man play the field!  Just let him hit!!!

Navarro is 5'9" 205 Lbs, but I really have trouble believing those numbers.  Who cares.  Hit the buffet! And keep the hits coming!  

Now lets take a look at some other fat baseball players....

As a Chubby kid, John Kruk gave me hope that I could at least play first base, and possibly catch as a Big leaguer someday.  Of course this didn't happen, and now I'm a fat blogger and musician.  But his fatness didn't hurt him much....he had a career OPS of .843, and 100 HRs.  Baseball reference has him listed at 5'11", 170.  I wonder how much he paid to doctor those stats?

But look at him sad...

Another one of my favorite fat ball players.... Prince Fielder...

Prince has 274 HR's and is in his 9th major league season.  And has a career OPS of .923.  Not too shabby for a big fat guy.  Fielder is 5' 11" 275.  Now that is FAAAAATTTT....but he's gonna eat his way to the Hall of Fame.  He truly is an inspiration to fat athletes everywhere....

And now,of course the fattest, and possibly greatest player in history.  Babe Ruth.

Listed at 6'2" 215, he doesn't seem fat, because like most of us, he didn't really get fat until he was in his 30's.  Of course that's when all the news reels were invented, so there is more video of him fat, than when he was in shape in his 20's.  Babe Ruth was a better pitcher than Fat man Colon, and a better hitter than Prince Fielder, making him the greatest of all the obese players!

With a career OPS of 1.164, and a pitching record of 94-46, and a 2.28 ERA.  Babe Ruth was the greatest of the greats....and the fattest of the fats...

His production did drop off the fatter he got, later in his career.  But his ability to eat copious amounts of food, while simultaneously drinking, smoking, and leading the league in all time pitching and hitting categories for decades to come is a true inspiration, to fattys and drunks.  Thank you Babe for all you've done for fat guy acceptance!  Now lets watch fat Babe calling his shot at Wrigley Field in the 1932 World Series!

Did he or didn't he call the shot?  All we know is that he was FAT, when he hit that homer against the Cubbies.  

Well, to fat guys and gals everywhere, there's hope for us in softball leagues, and maybe the majors.  So you obese kids out there...keep dreaming, and keep eating!

Check out the new podcast!

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