Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Making's of a Cubs Fan

Yesterday, I plopped myself down on the couch at 11:30 AM, nursing a '2 bottle of Pinot Noir' hangover, and tasked with baby sitting my sister's 3 year old son.  I was hoping for an exciting WGN Cubs game to lift my spirits and turn 'The Boy' as I call him, into a Cubs fan.  My last effort of bringing him to Wrigley resulted in a 2 hour nap on his dad's lap.  

So, 'The Boy' as I call him, is at the "why" stage of his short existence, but he knows his numbers.  A few hours into the game, he looked up at the screen and said "The Cubs have 6 points!  And the other team has zero!"  I corrected him that they are called "runs" and filled him in on the information that it was just the opposite.  The Reds had 6 and the Cubs had 0, and being the 7th inning, the Cubs were likely to lose today.  'The Boy' said, "Why will the Cubs lose today?".  I said, "Because they're not very good this year".  'The Boy' pressed on, "Why aren't the Cubs very good this year". I said, "I didn't know", hoping that the barrage of questions I've been dealing with since last Saturday, would cease.  But he delved deeper, "But why do the Cubs have 0 and the Reds have 6?", I said, "Because the Cubs don't hit very well, and if you can't hit, you can't score runs."  He asked, "Why can't the Cubs score any runs?"  I said, "I just told you, because they can't hit, and the pitcher isn't doing very well today for the Cubs. So they're losing."  He asked, "Why isn't the pitcher doing very well?" I said, "because he gave up 6 runs to the Reds".  "Why?" 'The Boy' asked.  I said, "Because this guy (Jeff Samakbfibfribf) is supposed to be good, but he's only good sometimes." 'The Boy' exclaimed "But I want the Cubs to Win!".  I said "Me too buddy.  Me too, but today they're gonna lose".

Later on that evening, as I switched back and forth between the Mets vs. Nats, and Red Sox vs. Rays on my Apple TV, 'The Boy' saw the Cubs logo for that afternoon's archived game, and exclaimed, "I want to watch the Cubs!"  I said "The Cubs aren't on, that's the game we watched earlier, and the Cubs lost 6-0 remember?  We don't want to watch that again!"  The kid says, "But I DO want to watch the Cubs!", and insisted that I put the game on.  So I say, "you want to watch the Cubs even though you know they're going to lose?!"  It was then I realized..... he is a Cubs fan.  

Son Ranto and 'The Boy'
He hates having his picture taken....

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